Inside her incisive Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O’Neil laid bare the inadequacies of algorithms as being a simplistic and profoundly problematic solution to anticipate that would be an unlawful.

Inside her incisive Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O’Neil laid bare the inadequacies of algorithms as being a simplistic and profoundly problematic solution to anticipate that would be an unlawful.

Knowing that, her modest proposition for predicting who is going to Harvard is either satire that is brilliant an astonishing rejection associated with calculus she once championed.

After still another springtime for which millions of United states children endured the anxiety of discovering whether their selected colleges had accepted them, pundits are all over again lamenting the absurdity and social ills for the procedure. Why should a cabal of admissions officers hold therefore sway that is much high-school students’ self-esteem and usage of the elite?

Let me provide a solution that is radical Fire the functionaries and make use of random selection alternatively.

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It can have an “eat the babies” feel to it, it is this just Poe’s Law at its most useful?

I’m maybe perhaps not the first ever to recommend this. The foundation that is progressive America has also made the concept — particularly, adopting lottery admissions at extremely selective universities — section of its intend to attain greater variety in advanced schooling. Read more
