As a responsible manufacturer of life saving producing we believe in maintaining quality in every drop and we ensure that quality of our products is found dependable by the medical fraternity. We will continually strive to incorporate technological and methodological inputs to make our process and product consistent. To achieve this we would actively share knowledge with our vendors, customers, regulatory authorities and autonomous bodies comprising of Pharmaceuticals and equipment manufacturers. In order to translate our quality philosophy into reality, we establish high standard of training
for our people. We are also committed to comply with the requirements of WHO-GMP, Local FDA and Foreign FDA Authorities and continuously  improve the effectiveness of our quality management system.

To achieve this we:

  • Are committed to produce quality, pure, safe and efficacious LVP products to meet predetermined standards as mentioned in Pharmacopoeia, National and International regulatory requirements
  • Provide consistent quality products for the benefit of customer’s satisfaction at affordable rate and follow the cGMP requirements as per WHO
  • Make the quality policy understandable and implement it at all levels
  • Make all employees aware of the quality program of the company and educate them through training in GMP and quality improving techniques
  • Strive to attain quality improvement in Company’s total performance as a continuous process
  • Integrate all statutory requirements into the quality system.

